About Florida Friendly Fertilizer


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Our Pledge for Responsible Fertilizing

We're making it easy to comply with state and local laws while going a step further to help protect Florida's beautiful landscapes, crops and waterways. ProPlus Products, Inc. and it's partners, are providing fertilizer products, education for a better understanding of fertilizer and the "Florida Friendly Fertilizer Pledge" to Florida professionals and homeowners.  
 Florida Friendly Fertilizer isn't just about the source of fertilizer.  We promote and encourage the understanding and implementation of the 4R's Nutrient Stewardship program as well as the Florida BMP standards for Fertilizer Manufacturing Plants, Urban Turf, Golf and Citrus Growers. Embracing these practices will help minimize the potential for negative environmental impacts. Please join us on the Florida Friendly Fertilizer forum for education and questions about fertilizer.
Check out these websites for helpful information: Nutrientsforlife.org and nutrientstewardship.com


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